
RADEX: Mobilising Against Extremism through Countering and Diverting Radicalisation of Young People

Erasmus project number: 2020-2-UK01-KA205-079508

The Project

We are happy to be part of the project RADEX, a project to mobilise against extremism in young people. As Europe is faced with increased phenomena of violent radicalisation, extremism and nationalism, efforts by the European Commission and many European countries, there is still a need to provide dedicated support to young people who are at risk of being groomed into violent radicalised acts and speech. This project targets youth workers, youth, youth organisations, social workers and other professionals working with youth at risk of being groomed into adopting radical or extremist behaviours.

How can we help you?

The RADEX project involves 6 different organisations with diverse expertise who came together to create tools and educational resources to help fight radicalism and extremism. Specifically, we will create an online platform which will include modules on youth violent radicalisation, a simulation video to showcase how, when and where different types of radicalisation processes may take place, and to whom they are addressed to. This tool will be based on real data and online research investigations in six European countries.

You can browse our website http://radexproject.org/ for relevant resources and additional information.

Why this project?

According to the Radicalisation Awareness Network, “fighting terrorism and violent extremism involves more than surveillance and security...

The most effective prevention strategies stop people from getting involved in violent extremism or acts of terrorism in the first place”. We couldn’t agree more! This project aims at targeting the prevention of the radicalization process in youth (16-24), but goes as far as to help towards fighting the indoctrination process which starts at even younger ages. The RADEX project believes that empowering youth, up-skilling youth workers and other related professionals working with youth, but also stimulating their critical thinking, will provide them the capacity and power to identify and comprehend different types of online radicalisation processes.

Whom are we targeting?

The RADEX project targets primarily young people, youth workers, social workers, youth organisations and any other professional working with youth.

What will we produce? Through the research that will be conducted in six different European countries, the collection of real data through interviews and in-depth analysis of targeted media, the RADEX project and partners will create a full suite of educational resources and information on youth radicalisation processes. An online training platform will be available containing all e-training modules, a video showcasing how, when and where different types of radicalization processes may take place, thus, empowering and fortifying their defenses. Our training can be accessed at any time from any place and because it is modular, can be integrated within existing training delivery by the different target groups.

Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook for more information https://www.facebook.com/radexproject